Hein Roehrig's Publications
Theoretical Computer Science
- H. Buhrman,
P. Høyer,
S. Massar,
H. Röhrig: Multipartite nonlocal quantum correlations resistant to imperfections,
Phys. Rev. A 73, 012321 (2006);
also quant-ph/0410139.
- H. Buhrman, H. Röhrig,
I. Newman, and R. de Wolf:
Robust quantum algorithms and polynomials, in STACS 2005,
LNCS 3404, pages 593-604, Springer, 2005;
also quant-ph/0309220.
- H. Röhrig: Quantum Query Complexity and Distributed Computing,
thesis, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2003.
- H. Buhrman and
H. Röhrig: Distributed quantum computing, survey
paper in MFCS 2003, LNCS
2747, pages 1-20, Springer, 2003.
- H. Buhrman,
P. Høyer,
S. Massar,
H. Röhrig:
Combinatorics and quantum nonlocality,
PRL 91, 047903
(2003); also quant-ph/0209052.
- A. Ambainis,
H. Buhrman,
Y. Dodis, and
H. Röhrig: Multiparty quantum coin flipping, in
CCC 2004, pages 250-259; also
- H. Buhrman,
L. Fortnow,
I. Newman,
H. Roehrig:
Quantum property testing, in
SIAM J. Comput., 37(5), 1387–1400; also
- H. Röhrig:
Tree decomposition: a feasibility study,
Diplomarbeit (master's thesis), Universität des Saarlandes, 1998.
- C. Rick,
H. Röhrig:
Deriving non-approximability results by reductions,
LNCS 1367, pages 213-233, Springer, 1998.
Other Papers
- Y. Yue, R. Patel, H. Röhrig: Beyond Position Bias:
Examining Result Attractiveness as a Source of
Presentation Bias in Clickthrough
Data, WWW
Conference, 2010;
full paper.
- S. B. Huffman, A. R. Lehman, A. P. Stolboushkin,
H. Wong-Toi, F. Yang, H. Röhrig:
Multiple-Signal Duplicate Detection for Search Evaluation,
of 30th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference, 2007.
- T. Ianeva,
A. P. de Vries,
H. Röhrig.
Detecting cartoons: a case study in automatic video-genre classification.
2003 IEEE International Conference on Multimeda & Expo,
- B. Skaali,
L. Ingebrigtsen,
S. Polovnikov, H. Röhrig, and D. Wormald. A
prototype DAQ system for the ALICE experiment based on
Transactions on Nuclear Science, 45(4):1917-1922,
1998; also at 10th IEEE Real Time Conference, 1997.
- A. Ljubicic, Jr., M. Botlo, F. Heistermann, S. Jacobson,
M. J. LeVine, J.M. Nelson, M. Nguyen, H. Röhrig,
D. Röhrich, E. Schäfer, J.J. Schambach,
R. Scheetz, D. Schmischke, M. Schulz, and K. Sulimma.
Design and implementation of the STAR experiment's DAQ.
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 45(4):1907-1912, 1998.